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Camping on a Bluff-Wyalusing, WI

Updated: May 15, 2022


So I had this trip planned out a couple of months ago thinking mid April weather would be in the 50's. Mother Nature decided differently. The morning came for me to leave and there was a 1/2 inch of snow on the ground. The forecast was calling for a high of 32 and an overnight drop into the low 20's. But I had this planned for awhile and being the first trip of the year I wasn't about to cancel it.

The 3 hour trip to Wyalusing went quick thanks to good music and taking scenic backroads. When I arrived I was surprised to see it so empty. I figured it would be slower than usual and being that it was April I also assumed some ambitious campers would have braved the weather. But I was alone and when I say alone I mean I had the park to myself. If there were any other campers out there when I arrived I didn't see them.

I found the spot on the bluff I was looking for. The view was breathtaking. The minute I got out of my Jeep I realized maybe I should have thought this one out a little better. The wind immediately hit me and knocked the door back into me. I knew it was going to be cold but had no idea about the wind. And to make things more challenging I was on a bluff with no tree line.

So there I was with the choice of riding it out where I was or moving deeper into the woods with more of a wind obstruction. One of the main reasons I chose Wyalusing was for it's spectacular views and I had the prime location all to myself so I decided to ride it out.

Not gonna lie, the first night I froze my a@# off. I couldn't build a fire because of the high winds and it actually got windier as the night progressed. I also had an unexpected guest who continually stopped by my camp. It was a raccoon who was apparently hungry and used to finding scraps when campers are there. Unfortunately for both of fire, no food. And I wasn't sharing my granola bar or mango.

I managed to make it through the night and when I awoke the next morning the sun was beginning to peek its head out. I was able to build a fire and get some coffee and eggs going. Something about cooking in a cast iron skillet over an open flame just seems to make everything taste better. Or maybe I was just starving...who knows.

I was ready to start my day setting up camp appropriately and then some exploring. I really didn't know what to expect being this was my first trip which included filming for my youtube channel. I will tell you I now have much more respect for all those you tubers out there who've been doing this for years and making it look so easy. There is an infinite amount of detail that goes into making a channel. From the right shots to the sound quality(which I definitely need to work on) to the's sometimes overwhelming. And when you are in the middle of the woods alone with just a camera and there is no one to banter with it becomes even more of a challenge. I have to say though, I had a blast doing it and I can't wait to learn more.

Since it was my first trip of the year I was okay that the trails in Wyalusing were somewhat easy. I started on the Old Immigrant trail which is about 2 1/2 miles and follows the Wisconsin River and eventually climbs back up the bluff.

A couple of places that I wanted to see while I there was "The Keyhole" and Treasure Cave which is a small limestone cavern. Unfortunately, the cave was closed to a bat sickness. The hike there was absolutely beautiful. It was hard to believe I was still in the Midwest looking at the views in front of me.

I got back to camp and was exhausted. I was so enthralled in getting the best shots and enjoying the scenery that day I forgot to stay hydrated. I had plans to make a big dinner that I was going to share with my followers but my body and brain just ran out of steam. I grilled a steak that I picked up from Sorg's in Darien which was absolutely delicious, sat by the fire for awhile and off to bed I went.

If you are looking for an all encompassing adventure then I highly recommend Wyalusing State Park. Nice tent sites, great views, lots of waterways to navigate and plenty of wildlife to enjoy.

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