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Five Bad Habits that Campers Should and Need to Change

Updated: May 9, 2023

1. Leaving trash behind: One of the biggest bad habits that many campers have is leaving trash behind. This can be harmful to the environment and can also ruin the experience for future campers. Always pack out what you pack in and dispose of trash properly. If you don't, well you just suck.

2. Making loud noises: Another bad habit that many campers have is making loud noises, especially during quiet hours. This can be disruptive to other campers and can also scare away wildlife. Always be considerate of others and try to keep noise levels to a minimum, especially during quiet hours. If you feel the need to smash beer cans on your head and crank some Megadeth then by all means...just do it in your garage.

3. Camping is great. It's like living in a house, but the walls are made of trees and the roof is made of stars. But you know what's not great? Ignoring fire safety. Campfires can be a great way to enjoy the outdoors, but it's important to be responsible when it comes to fire safety. Make sure to follow all posted rules and guidelines, and never leave a fire unattended. Always make sure to properly extinguish fires before leaving the campsite.

4. Not respecting wildlife: It's important to remember that when you're camping, you're a guest in the animals' home. Don't disturb or feed wildlife, and always keep a safe distance. Respect the animals and their habitat. Don't disturb them or feed them, unless you're cool with having a bear or raccoon on your face trying to lap up your canned Hormel chili. And if you do happen to encounter a wild animal, remember, they're not always your friend. They're not like the family dog who comes running up to you wagging his tail. These are real animals, they're not exactly Disney's cuddly cartoon creatures. Repeat after me. “They...are... wild... animals.” They're more like that hangry monster who's always on the lookout for its next meal and doesn't care if it has to chew through your tent and sleeping bag to get it.

Finally, always keep a safe distance from the animals. And if you're not sure what a safe distance is, just ask yourself, “can I run faster than this hungry beast?” If the answer is no, then you're probably too close.

5. Be prepared. Don't be that guy who shows up with nothing but a half-eaten bag of chips and a can of lukewarm Red Bull. Unless you're looking to make friends with the local wildlife, I suggest you come prepared.

"Bring enough food and water for your trip, or you might find yourself foraging for berries and drinking out of streams like some kind of Bear Grylls wannabe. And don't forget to pack for any weather conditions - unless you're into the whole 'shivering in your shorts' look.

"Research the area you'll be camping in and make sure you have the appropriate gear and equipment. Unless you're planning to test your survival skills in the wilderness, I suggest you leave the flip-flops and beach towel at home.

To sum it all up, camping can be an amazing experience, but we need to be mindful of our actions to preserve the environment and ensure a safe and enjoyable trip for everyone. Don't be that person who leaves trash behind or makes loud noises during quiet hours. Follow fire safety rules and don't disturb or feed wildlife. Always be prepared with the proper gear, food, and water. Remember, camping is about enjoying nature, not destroying it. So let's all do our part to keep the great outdoors great, and maybe we'll even avoid becoming a meme on social media in the process.

Happy Camping!

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